“Ulang Kaji Sains” is a series of short animated fillers in focusing on Science subjects based on the Malaysia’s Primary School Syllabus. The subjects are taught surrounding with the main 3 characters, Hafiz, MeiMei and Rajen. It started with the 2 Male characters (Hafiz and Rajen) would eagerly try to outshine themselves to get MeiMei’s attention with their science knowledge. However, MeiMei was not easily pleased as she is also as intelligent as the other 2 characters.
This series of animation is commision by Measat Broadcast Network Systems Sdn Bhd (“Astro”), Malaysia, and started to broadcast August 2011.
Ulang Kaji Sains
Fun Learning
10 episodes x 3 minutes (Animated Cartoon)
Bahasa Malaysia
Measat Broadcast Network Systems Sdn Bhd (“Astro”)